Wheels | Polly Shindler

Gisela Projects
Wheels | Polly Shindler
Mail Truck with Packages, 2020
Cardboard, Paper, Acrylic Paint
10.2 x 14.0 x 17.8 cm (4.0 x 5.5 x 7.0 in)
In this work, Polly Shindler celebrates not only the iconic shape and design of the mail truck, but also what it symbolizes democratically -- “I love using the US Postal Service. There is something special about a thing you see almost everyday, that is on its way to deliver a valued parcel and will find you just about wherever you go. They are obligated to deliver to every person in the US.”
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Mail Truck with Packages, 2020 | Cardboard, Paper, Acrylic Paint 13.97 x 10.16 cm
In this work, Polly Shindler celebrates not only the iconic shape and design of the mail truck, but also what it symbolizes democratically -- “I love using the US Postal Service. There is something special about a thing you see almost everyday, that is on its way to deliver a valued parcel and will find you just about wherever you go. They are obligated to deliver to every person in the US.”
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