Wilderness | Sara Woster

Gisela Projects
Wilderness | Sara Woster
Cragsmoor, 2020
Acrylic on Canvas
50.8 x 61.0 cm (20.0 x 24.0 in)
The pine trees again. And again the grouping of brushstrokes that form loose geometric shapes like Cézanne. The nocturnal landscapes in particular create a mystic vibe. I love hearing the artist describe how she thinks about color -- “I started with one of my favorite dark greenish blacks, which is mixed with Phthalo green and Alizarin red. Then you can keep adding white and get a series of beautiful silvery greys, which when you add with a little yellow, turn into the moody, gothic brownish gray”. As Wittgenstein says -- “color spurs us to philosophize”.
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Cragsmoor, 2020 | Acrylic on Canvas 60.96 x 50.8 cm
The pine trees again. And again the grouping of brushstrokes that form loose geometric shapes like Cézanne. The nocturnal landscapes in particular create a mystic vibe. I love hearing the artist describe how she thinks about color -- “I started with one of my favorite dark greenish blacks, which is mixed with Phthalo green and Alizarin red. Then you can keep adding white and get a series of beautiful silvery greys, which when you add with a little yellow, turn into the moody, gothic brownish gray”. As Wittgenstein says -- “color spurs us to philosophize”.
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